Mission Statement
The Milwaukee Fire Department is committed to protecting the people and property within our city. We will be responsive to the needs of our citizens by providing rapid and professional humanitarian services essential to the health, safety, and well-being of the city.
We will achieve our mission through prevention, education, fire suppression, emergency medical, and other emergency services.
We will actively participate in our community, serve as role models, and strive to effectively and efficiently utilize all of the necessary resources at our command to provide a quality of service deemed excellent by our citizens with “Courage, Integrity and Honor.”
Fire Chief Aaron D. Lipski
Fire Chief Lipski has served the City of Milwaukee for over 25 years. Joining the Milwaukee Fire Department in 1997 (in the same recruit class as his older brother, Daniel), Lipski is a 4th generation Milwaukee Firefighter and Milwaukee resident. Prior to joining, he served for several years as an EMT-Basic with an urban private ambulance service. Lipski holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications, minoring in Africology, and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, both from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.
Lipski has filled every rank, rising from Firefighter to Heavy Equipment Operator, then on to the company officer positions of Lieutenant and Captain. Appointed to Battalion Chief in 2010, Lipski covered operational battalions prior to being tasked with running the department’s Division of Construction and Maintenance, responsible for overseeing the department’s catalogue of facilities, all equipment and purchasing, and the entire fleet. Following this, Lipski was assigned as a Deputy Chief to the city-wide commander role. Filling this role for six and a half years, Lipski expanded the footprint and operational efficiencies of the office.
In his time as a Battalion Chief, Lipski initiated a series of familiarization exercises with all neighboring fire departments, with whom there had been very little interaction and frosty relationships for decades. As a Deputy Chief, this evolved into a positive and productive shared services initiative, which now has a team of true partners across all jurisdictions throughout Milwaukee County. This initiative has been a paradigm shift in the provision of fire and EMS services for all involved.
In 2019, Lipski was promoted to Assistant Chief, overseeing the department’s Support Bureau, responsible for all budget and finance concerns, dealing with elected officials and the Fire & Police Commission, labor relations, investigations and discipline, all technical services and dispatch, as well as fleet and facilities. In late 2020, Lipski was approved to be the Acting Fire Chief for the Milwaukee Fire Department. Lipski was sworn in as the Fire Chief in June of 2021.
Lipski chairs the American Lung Association’s Local Leadership Board in Wisconsin as well as the Milwaukee County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (MCSAP). He also sits on the Board of Directors for the American Red Cross of Southeast Wisconsin. Happily married to his wife of 21 years, Krista, they enjoy spending time together, traveling to watch their daughter, Bella, play with her club volleyball team around the nation.
Under sec. 313.03 of the Milwaukee City Charter, the Chief Engineer (Fire Chief) and, in the engineer’s absence, the assistant engineers, according to their rant, shall have command over all members of the Fire Department. It shall be the engineer’s duty to look into the condition of all engines and other apparatus belonging to the City and used for the purpose of the Fire Department, and to report thereon annually, or so often as circumstances render it expedient, or when directed by the Mayor or Common Council. And whenever any of the buildings or apparatus used for the purpose of the Fire Department require any alterations, additions or repairs, he or she shall report the same to the Commissioner of Public Works or Common Council. He or she shall keep exact rolls of the respective companies, specifying the time of admission and discharge of each member. He or she shall also report all accidents by fire, which may happen within the City, with the cause thereof, as well as can be ascertained, and the number of description of buildings destroyed or injured, together with the names of owners or occupants.
The Milwaukee Fire Department Administration Division is located on the third floor of Fire Department Headquarters, 711 West Wells Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233. The public may obtain information and access to records by making requests either in writing or in person during regular office hours, Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, holiday hours excluded.
Per City of Milwaukee Ordinance File No. 090664. Effective October 30, 2009:
The Milwaukee Fire Department charges $.25 per page or $.50 per double-sided for copies of fire reports not to exceed a total cost of $5.00.
Under the methods prescribed in Wis. Stats. § 146.83(3f) (c) 2, fees for copies of patient’s health care records are as follows:
The Milwaukee Fire Department charges $1.17 per page for medical report(s) requests from the patient or the patient’s personal representative. For requests made from individuals other than the patient or patient’s personal representative, MFD may charge certification of copies $9.25; processing and handling a single charge of $23.13. Additional charges may be added, as required (e.g., shipping/mailing costs) to cover the cost(s) of complying with the request(s). All requests will be processed as soon as practical and without delay. NOTE: MFD will charge a flat rate processing/handling for medical (EMS) reports with an additional certification charge for requests made by individuals other than the patient and/or patient’s representative.
All requests for information regarding fire records, personnel records, and other records or property of the department shall be furnished only by the Assistant Chief, Administration Division, with permission of the Chief.